Marcia Lee Miller, age 78, of Glen Ellyn, Illinois died on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 at home. She was born on October 7, 1942 in Madison, Wisconsin, the daughter of Russell and Iris (Devoe) Miller. She graduated from Madison West High School in 1960 and from Lawrence University, where she was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta, in 1964. She spoke at various colleges throughout Chicagoland about SIDS awareness during the late 70’s and volunteered to maintain the Prairie Path in Glen Ellyn periodically over the last 20 years. Marcia worked for the past 34 years as a Baker in the Jewel Osco Bake Shop on Roosevelt Road in Glen Ellyn, where she was member of UFCW Local 881, and for the last 27 years as a Page in the Glen Ellyn Library. She loved live music and art, and regularly traveled to Chicago for art fairs, jazz fests, and every manner of cultural celebration in between. Preceding Marcia in death were her parents, Iris Miller in 1999, and Russell Miller later that year; and her son Colin Mahin in 1975. Survivors include her daughter Erica Thomas her son-in-law DaShan Thomas; her son Sean Mahin and her daughter-in-law Rebecca Mahin; her sister Renee Hasler and brother-in-law Mark Hasler; her ex husband William Mahin and wife Henrietta Mahin; and other dear relatives and close friends. Funeral Services will be held via Zoom from Forrest Hill Cemetery on January 23, 2021 at 2pm barring inclement weather (in case of extreme weather, services will be postponed 1 hour and broadcast via Zoom from an indoor location) with the assistance of Leonard Memorial Funeral Home. Friends and loved ones can attend the services online by visiting http://www.MarciaLeeMiller.com on January 23, 2021 at 2pm.